and now for something different...Bong-Ra from Holland + Enduser from Brooklyn, NYC will perform @ Kinomaja on the 27th of December to promote their The Kill EP so if you're interested of the harder side of breakbeats and in the area, this is not an event to be missed!

Bong-Ra's trademark 'jungle rock' style has been moulded over the past 7 to 8 years to become a recognizable and addictive sound. Although his compostions and tracks may vary there's always an adrenaline rush of some sort buzzing around. Mostly recognized for his part in the 'Yardcore' or 'Raggacore' sub genre, his tracks differ significantly and crossover ranges of styles which have played a part in his musical development, leaving an open mind when it come to sound and structure. Most important is the energy and mood of each track produced, and the vibe surrounding it.

Lynn Standafer is the unassuming, mild-mannered alter-ego of the one-man sonic wrecking crew known as Enduser. Born as the bastard son of KRS-One, Skinny Puppy, and Photek, and raised on a steady diet of hip-hop and early jungle records, Enduser smashes through genre walls with alternating punches of industrial strength drum and bass and hip-hop flavored breakcore. Since 1994, Enduser has been shredding through genre tags more quickly than they can be coined to describe his unique approach to the twisted world of hardcore broken beat music. Regardless of the labels on the dividers in record bins around the world, Enduser's music will always be defined by its use of complex drum programming and darkly distorted atmospheres to create a sense of frenzied unease. Take the viscera of a Romero film and the brooding of a Clive Barker novel and then splatter it against a landscape of urban decay at 200 miles per hour and you begin to get the feeling of an Enduser record where moments of calm ambience set up the vicious assaults of rhythm and noise. Enduser's is not music for the mindless rave zombie, and it is not for the faint of heart as it tears away at preconceptions about break-beat driven music while utilizing the best tricks of that well-tested tradition to excite and entertain.
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